How Can I get GREEN CARD through Employment?

U.S. permanent residence (commonly called green card status) may be gained through various employment-based immigration options. About 140,000 Green Cards are awarded annually to foreign nationals who wish to immigrate permanently to the US based on their skills, education, and work experience.

To be eligible for the Green Cards, you must fall into one of the prescribed categories: EB1, EB2, EB3, EB4, or EB5.

Who can get a green card through Employment?

EB1, EB2, and EB3 are employment-based green cards, EB4 are special immigrants, and EB5 are investment-based green cards. Here, we will talk about the first three.


There are considerable variations in the requirements within the EB options. In most of EB cases require three separate stages. The first stage is the PERM labor certification (PERM labor) process. The second stage is when the employer files an immigrant petition with the USCIS. The third stage requires the foreign national to apply either for adjustment of status to permanent residence or for consular processing for an immigrant visa, based upon approval of the first two steps.

Self-sponsorship, based upon qualifications, is available in EB2 (National Interest Waiver - NIW) and EB1 (extraordinary ability) categories.

No PERM labor is required in EB1 (Extraordinary Ability, Multinational Executive Transferee and Outstanding Professor/Researcher), EB2 (National Interest Waiver)

How We can Help You?

  • We evaluate potential EB options for U.S. employers who wish to sponsor workers and foreign nationals. We provide representation throughout the EB immigration process, including PERM labor, educational equivalencies, and employers' ability to pay.
  • We will help file the immigrant application DS 160 with the embassy.
  • We will help file applications for the spouse and children of the primary immigrant.
  • We will guide and prepare the applicant for an interview at the embassy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Greencard through Employment:

  1. Can my family member also receive an immigrant visa with me?
    Yes, your spouse and unmarried children apply for an immigrant visa based on your approved petition.

  2. Are the employee’s spouse and children also interviewed?
    Yes, dependents on the application will also be called for an in-person interview. Each applicant will get a separate interview notice from USCIS – except children under 14 years old, whose interviews may be waived. USCIS will attempt to schedule families together at the same time and location, but they do not guarantee this.

  3. What questions will the employee’s spouse and children be asked?
    The USCIS officer may ask questions about the legality and bona fide nature of the relationship with the primary applicant.

  4. What should the employee’s spouse and children bring to the interview?
    The generic USCIS interview notice will have a list of documents to bring. The applicant should make sure to bring original marriage certificates (for spouses); original birth certificates, custody/adoption, or similar documents (for children), including the full name of the parents; and documents that confirm the bone-fide nature of the relationship, such as: o joint taxes, assets, leases, mortgage, bank accounts, or credit card statements; o or evidence of children born to the marriage.